Property configuration

The following code present currently available properties and their default values:

Database configuration

Property Default Example Description Mandatory
SPRING_​DATASOURCE_​USERNAME root Database username Y
SPRING_​DATASOURCE_​PASSWORD password Database password Y
SPRING_​DATASOURCE_​URL jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dum?autoReconnect=true&useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8 Database URL Y
SPRING_​DATASOURCE_​DRIVER_​CLASS_​NAME com.mysql.jdbc.Driver org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver Database driver class name. If not provided default driver class name is chosen based on url value N

Other configuration

Property Default Example Description Mandatory
DUM_​ENGINE_​AUTH_​USERNAME username DUM Engine basic authentication username. Used to protect the DUM API Y
DUM_​ENGINE_​AUTH_​PASSWORD password DUM ENGINE basic authentication password. Used to protect the DUM API Y
DUM_ENGINE_IDP_URL password URL where the IdP instance can be reached Y
DUM_​ENGINE_​IDP_​API_​PERSON_​USERNAME persons_api_rest_user Onegini Consumer Identity Manager person API username Y
DUM_​ENGINE_​IDP_​API_​PERSON_​PASSWORD password Onegini Consumer Identity Manager person API password Y