Messages resolution order


Every text that is presented to the user by the Onegini IdP is called a message. Messages are usually provided in multiple languages (internationalization) and via multiple sources (ex. extension, database etc.). In this chapter you will find a simplified description of how and in which order the messages are being resolved by the Onegini IdP.

Sources order

There are multiple messages sources available in the Onegini IdP. The application will return the message as soon as it will find a value that matches the query (message key + expected locale).

  1. Application messages - taken from application properties. Those are not locale-specific
  2. Database content messages - can be added via the Onegini IdP's admin console Configuration -> Custom messages
  3. Extension locale specific messages - language specific messages provided by the extension
  4. Onegini IdP locale specific messages - language specific messages defined in the Onegini IdP
  5. Extension default messages - default messages provided by the extension
  6. Onegini IdP default messages - default messages provided by the Onegini IdP