Application properties

Property Default Example Description false true or false If true, the cookies can only be read on https
oneginiIdpCcc.cookieConfig.path / The base path for the cookies

Proxy configuration

If Onegini UMA runs behind a proxy (Apache Httpd, Nginx) that does SSL offloading, extra configuration is needed to take care of correct redirects. Otherwise internal redirects will bring the user from https to http.

Property Default Example Description
oneginiIdpCcc.container.proxyEnabled false true or false Set true if the proxy handles SSL offloading
oneginiIdpCcc.container.scheme http or https Set https if the proxy handles SSL offloading
oneginiIdpCcc.container.proxyName Name of the proxy server
oneginiIdpCcc.container.proxyPort 80 or 443 Port of the proxy server

Search keys

Property Default Example Description false true or false Enable or disable search by email false true or false Enable or disable search by phone number

Saml certificate

Onegini UMA can auto generate saml certificate or use predefined one. To configure certificate in configuration below properties are required.

Property Default Example Description
oneginiIdpCcc.saml.signing.keyStorePassword password Key store password
oneginiIdpCcc.saml.signing.privateKey MIIEpQIBAAKCAQEAuLmNPSanYb0wJl/f+yU... Private key in Base64
oneginiIdpCcc.saml.signing.certificate MIIDmDCCAoACCQC1yJJAA/4CcDANBgkq... Certificate in Base64

Person details custom message

Custom HTML based message can be shown in the person details view, directly below the Account section. To add such message please define property oneginiIdpCcc.extension.personDetails.customMessage, eg. oneginiIdpCcc.extension.personDetails.customMessage=<h2 style="color: red; border: 2px solid red; background-color: yellow; padding: 10px;">Warning</h2>

The custom HTML message can be shown (below oneginiIdpCcc.extension.personDetails.customMessage custom message) when the invite option is available. To add such message please define property oneginiIdpCcc.extension.inviteAvailable.customMessage, eg. oneginiIdpCcc.extension.inviteAvailable.customMessage=<h2 style="color: red; border: 2px solid red; background-color: yellow; padding: 10px;">Invite available</h2>

Custom attributes properties

Attributes names in CCC user's profile can be customized by environment variables. The key of each attribute should be and attribute name for internal attributes and and attribute name for external attributes, see example below: number language addresses number address code

Profile attributes (internal) have predefined attributes names: ID, EMAIL_ADDRESSES, ADDRESSES, PHONE_NUMBERS, PREFERRED_LOCALE, GENDER, DISPLAY_NAME