ONGClient Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in ONGClient.h


Main entry point for the Onegini SDK. This class owns SDK’s configuration and such clients as ONGUserClient and ONGDeviceClient. In order to use any feature of the OneginiSDK [ONGClientBuilder build] needs to be called first.

+ sharedInstance

Access to the initialized and configured instance of the ONGClient. Before calling this method You have to initialize SDK by calling [ONGClientBuilder build].

+ (instancetype)sharedInstance

Return Value

instance of the configured ONGClient.


Warning: If the SDK is not initialized via [ONGClientBuilder build] this method throws an exception.

Declared In


– start:

Is a mandatory first call on ONGClient which is returned by [ONGClientBuilder build].

- (void)start:(void ( ^ ) ( BOOL success , NSError *_Nullable error ))completion



is called after the method processing has finished. If the SDK is successfully started, other further work is allowed. Errors passed to the block will be within the ONGGenericErrorDomain

Declared In


– reset:

Reset to the state the SDK had just after completing the start method. Errors passed to the block will be within the ONGGenericErrorDomain.

- (void)reset:(void ( ^ ) ( BOOL success , NSError *_Nullable error ))completion



is called after the method processing has finished.

Declared In



The ConfigModel used to configure OneginiSDK.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) ONGConfigModel *configModel

Declared In



Instance of ONGUserClient used for user-related features access. Once SDK has been configured, ONGUserClient can be access either by calling this property or by [ONGUserClient sharedInstance].

@property (nonatomic, readonly) ONGUserClient *userClient

See Also

  • [ONGUserClient sharedInstance]

Declared In



Instance of ONGDeviceClient used for device and network-related features. Once SDK has been configured, ONGDeviceClient can be access either by calling this property or by [ONGDeviceClient sharedInstance].

@property (nonatomic, readonly) ONGDeviceClient *deviceClient

See Also

  • [ONGDeviceClient sharedInstance]

Declared In
