Mobile authentication with Push

Two factor authentication can be implemented using APNs push notifications. It's a very secure and user friendly way of authentication. You can use this feature to allow users to confirm their transactions. Confirmation can be done using simple Accept button, PIN, Biometric or a Custom Authenticator. All transaction information is encrypted and no sensitive information is sent through APNs.


Before mobile authentication with push can be used, you should configure:

When your app and token server are configured for push notifications you should be able to enroll for mobile authentication with push and handle push requests using Onegini SDK.


Push mobile authentication enrollment requires regular mobile authentication enrollment to be done first. Only after it is completed, you can enroll for the push.

Enrollment for the mobile authentication with push can be described as follows:

1. APP -> APNS: Register for remote notifications.
2. APNS -> APP: The device token is returned.
3. APP -> SDK: Enroll for push by providing the device token and completion block.
4. SDK -> Token Server: Enroll push mobile authentication with device token.
5. Token Server -> SDK: Acknowledge the enrollment process is completed.
6. SDK -> APP: The result of the enrollment flow is reported by completion block.

The first step is to obtain the deviceToken from APNs. Please follow the Apple remote notification guide for instructions on how to obtain it.

The next step is to enroll with the device token using the enrollForPushMobileAuthWithDeviceToken:completion: method of the ONGUserClient instance:

[[ONGUserClient sharedInstance] enrollForPushMobileAuthWithDeviceToken:deviceToken
                                                            completion:^(BOOL enrolled, NSError * _Nullable error) {}];

The result of the enrollment and, in case an error occurred, an error will be passed to the completion block.

Receiving requests

Once the user is enrolled he is able to receive push notifications. Onegini SDK represents them by ONGPendingMobileAuthRequest class. Those requests do not contain any sensitive information, since those might be sent through the unsecure channels like APNS. However, pending mobile authentication requests contain an identifier which is later used to fetch full mobile authentication request information which is represented by objects of a ONGMobileAuthRequest class.

From the ONGPendingMobileAuthRequest object you can get following information:

  • transactionId - a unique identifier for each Mobile Authentication request.
  • userProfile - user profile for which mobile authentication request was sent.
  • date - the date when the mobile authentication request was sent.
  • timeToLive - time to live for which mobile authentication request was sent.
  • message - message specified by the portal when initiating the mobile authentication request.
  • userInfo - user info received from the APNS.

The Onegini SDK supports two ways of obtaining pending mobile authentication requests: APNS and Token Server.


The process of receiving a push from the APNS can be described as follows. In this flow we call the initiator of the mobile authentication request 'portal':

1. Portal -> Token Server: Initialize mobile authentication.
2. Token Server -> APNS: Send the push notification.
3. APNS -> Token Server: Push notification delivery report.
4. Token Server -> Portal: Identifier of the initialized mobile authentication transaction.
5. APNS -> APP: Deliver the push notification to the APP.
6. APP -> SDK: Parses the push notification received from the APNS.

When application receives a push notifiation from APNS it should be able to differentiate between different push notification messages. The reason why this responsibility is in the app is that one app can only have one push token. This allows the app to support more push messaging features besides mobile authentication provided by the Onegini SDK.

Push notification received from APNS is represented by an NSDictionary object which you can obtain from the UNNotificationResponse object as follows:

- (void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center didReceiveNotificationResponse:(UNNotificationResponse *)response withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(void))completionHandler
    NSDictionary *pushNotificationInfo = response.notification.request.content.userInfo

In case you are using the old API:

- (void)application:(UIApplication*)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary*)userInfo 
    NSDictionary *pushNotificationInfo = userInfo;

Before handling the push request it is required to verify that the request can be handled by the Onegini SDK. It can be done by calling the pendingMobileAuthRequestFromUserInfo: method. This method will try to parse the NSDictionary to ONGPendingMobileAuthRequest. If a push notification is intended for the SDK the method will return ONGPendingMobileAuthRequest object with transactionId and userProfile. Otherwise, it will return nil.

Example code for parsing push notification received from APNS:

- (void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center didReceiveNotificationResponse:(UNNotificationResponse *)response withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(void))completionHandler
    NSDictionary *pushNotificationInfo = response.notification.request.content.userInfo;
    ONGPendingMobileAuthRequest *pendingMobileAuthRequest = [[ONGUserClient sharedInstance] pendingMobileAuthRequestFromUserInfo:pushNotificationInfo]];


Token Server

When device did not receive sent push notifications you can use this feature to fetch a list containing pending mobile authentication requests. The process of receiving a push from the Token Server can be described as follows. In this flow we call the initiator of the mobile authentication request 'portal':

1. Portal -> Token Server: Initialize mobile authentication.
2. Token Server -> Portal: Identifier of the initialized mobile authentication transaction.
3. APP -> SDK -> Token: Fetch all pending mobile authentication requests

Fetching pending mobile authentication requests can be performed using the following method:

[[ONGUserClient sharedInstance] pendingPushMobileAuthRequests:^(NSArray<ONGPendingMobileAuthRequest *> * _Nullable pendingTransactions, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    if (error == nil) {
    // Handle list containing pending mobile authentication requests
    } else {
        switch (error.code) {
            case ONGGenericErrorDeviceDeregistered:
                // The device registration was removed from the Token Server. All locally stored data
                // is removed from the device and the user needs to register again.
            case ONGGenericErrorConfigurationInvalid:
                // The provided client credentials are not valid or the client is not a dynamic client.
                // Other errors

When the user will not have any pending mobile authentication requests, then the method will return an empty list. The results of this request are sorted by the time sent (descending).

Request handling

Once the push request is received and parsed to ONGPendingMobileAuthRequest it is handled by calling the handlePushMobileAuthRequest:delegate: on the ONGUserClient shared instance. Since notifications may require authentication, the SDK needs a delegate (ONGMobileAuthRequestDelegate) to authenticate.

The entire process of handling pending requests can be described as follows.

1. APP -> SDK: Handle pending mobile auth request.
2. SDK -> Token Server: Fetch PGP encrypted message from server.
3. Token Server -> SDK: Base64 encoded PGP encrypted authentication data.
4. SDK -> APP: The push message is decrypted and the SDK triggers a delegate so the app can show 
        a dialogue to the end-user.
5. APP -> SDK: Application responds with the authentication result.
6. SDK -> Token Server: The authentication result is send encrypted to the Token Server.
7 Token Server -> SDK: If the used push type requires feedback on the result e.g. pin usage 
        the result is communicated back to the SDK which will optionally perform a retry.
8. Token Server -> Portal: A callback is sent to inform the portal about the mobile 
        authentication result.

As you can see from the diagram above, the application has the following responsibilities during the request handling:

  1. Responding to authentication challenges
    1. Displaying a dialog to the end-user when an authentication challenge is received
    2. Sending the users' response back to the SDK
  2. Handling the completion of the mobile authentication request

The Following paragraphs explain those steps and show how the responsibilities mentioned above can be implemented.

Responding to a challenge

After you have passed mobile authentication request to the SDK, the SDK will request the app to let the user either confirm or deny the request.

The SDK will delegate control back to the provided ONGMobileAuthRequestDelegate implementation. Hence, the application must contain a class that implements the methods specified below.

Mobile authentication requests are represented by ONGMobileAuthRequest class. Objects of this class are passed to every ONGMobileAuthRequestDelegate method. From those obejcts you can get following information about currently processes mobile authentication request:

  • userProfile - instance of ONGUserProfile for which request has been received.
  • type - string representing type of the notification which is configured in the Token Server admin panel. The type can be used to distinguish between business functionalities. For example, mobile authentication can be used for logging in or transaction approval.
  • message - message specified by the portal when initiating the mobile authentication request. This field represents the secure_message parameter sent while initiating the mobile authentication request. This message length is not limited.
  • userInfo - user info received from the APNS. The userInfo can also contain a message. The message specified in the userInfo object represents the message parameter that was sent while initiating the mobile authentication request. The length of this message is limited to 155 characters due to APNS' message length limitations. The value is set only for push mobile authentications.
  • transactionId - A unique identifier for each Mobile Authentication request.

When a challenge is received you should display UI containing selected information from ONGMobileAuthRequest and an interface which allows user to respond to the received challenge e.g. PIN screen when PIN challenge was received. The user's response should be send back to the SDK via the challenge sender object or through the confirmation block in case of confirmation challenge.


- (void)userClient:(ONGUserClient *)userClient 
        didReceiveConfirmationChallenge:(void (^)(BOOL confirmRequest))confirmation 
                             forRequest:(ONGMobileAuthRequest *)request 
    // Code to display your mobile authentication confirmation view here..

    // Once the user has answered the confirmation, call the confirm method specifying whether 
    // the user confirms or denies the request


- (void)userClient:(ONGUserClient *)userClient 
        didReceivePinChallenge:(ONGPinChallenge *)challenge 
                    forRequest:(ONGMobileAuthRequest *)request 
    // Code to display the PIN view here..

    // Once the user has entered the PIN call the delegate
    [challenge.sender respondWithPin:@"pin" challenge:challenge];

    // Or cancel challenge
    [challenge.sender cancelChallenge:challenge];


- (void)userClient:(ONGUserClient *)userClient 
        didReceiveBiometricChallenge:(ONGBiometricChallenge *)challenge 
                            forRequest:(ONGMobileAuthRequest *)request
    // Code to display the mobile authentication view here..

    // Continue Mobile Authentication using Fingerprint with default prompt
    [challenge.sender respondWithDefaultPromptForChallenge:challenge];

    // Or use custom prompt
    [challenge.sender respondWithPrompt:@"Confirm money transfer" challenge:challenge];

    // Fallback to pin if needed
    [challenge.sender respondWithPinFallbackForChallenge:challenge];

    // Or cancel challenge
    [challenge.sender cancelChallenge:challenge];

Depending on your needs the challenge may be responded in a various ways: continue with default prompt, continue with custom prompt, fallback to pin or even cancel. After you have responded to the challenge, the SDK presents the TouchID authentication with the supplied (or default) prompt. Since this method is optional, the SDK will automatically fallback to PIN authentication if this method is not implemented.

Important: in order to receive biometric challenges you have to register the biometric authenticator first by following the Biometric Authenticator topic guide.


- (void)userClient:(ONGUserClient *)userClient
        didReceiveCustomAuthFinishAuthenticationChallenge:(ONGCustomAuthFinishAuthenticationChallenge *)challenge
                                               forRequest:(ONGMobileAuthRequest *)request
    // Code to display the mobile authentication view here..

    // Continue Mobile Authentication using a custom authenticator
    [challenge.sender respondWithData:customAuthData forChallenge:challenge];

    // Fallback to pin if needed
    [challenge.sender respondWithPinFallbackForChallenge:challenge];

    // Or cancel challenge
    [challenge.sender cancelChallenge:challenge];

When you receive a Custom Authenticator challenge you can respond to it with optional data, pin fallback or cancellation. Responding with data will continue authentication process, responding with pin will send pin challenge instead and cancellation will deny the mobile authentication request. Authentication with Custom Authenticator might fail with fallback to PIN. In this case ONGCustomInfo object is passed under the ONGCustomAuthInfoKey in the userInfo of error object within the ONGPinChallenge.


Once the mobile authentication request has been handled there are two callbacks on the ONGMobileAuthRequestDelegate that might be called: userClient:didHandleMobileAuthenticationRequest: and userClient:didFailToHandleMobileAuthenticationRequest:error: for success and failure correspondingly. Both methods are optionals.

For the success callback you may want to refresh your App's data or hide the view:

- (void)userClient:(ONGUserClient *)userClient 
        didHandleMobileAuthenticationRequest:(ONGMobileAuthRequest *)request
                                        info:(ONGCustomInfo *_Nullable)customAuthInfo
    // Hide the view, update application data, etc

For the failure callback, the situation is a bit more complex. It is strongly recommended to implement error handling. The SDK may deliver important errors such as user's (server-side) deregistration which requires special handling such as user logout, unwinding the UI to the login page, etc. However, it also may deliver errors that can be ignored such as the cancellation error which happens, when you cancel the challenge by calling the -[id<ONGBiometricChallengeSender> cancelChallenge:] methods. In case of failure during authentication with Custom Authenticator returned error might include ONGCustomInfo object under the ONGCustomAuthInfoKey in the userInfo.

- (void)userClient:(ONGUserClient *)userClient 
        didFailToHandleMobileAuthenticationRequest:(ONGMobileAuthRequest *)request 
                                             error:(NSError *)error
    switch (error.code) {
        case ONGGenericErrorDeviceDeregistered:
            // The device registration was removed from the Token Server. All locally stored data 
            // is removed from the device and the user needs to register again.
        case ONGGenericErrorUserDeregistered:
            // The user account is deregistered from the device. The user supplied the wrong PIN 
            // for too many times. All local data associated with the user profile has been removed.
        case ONGGenericErrorActionCancelled:
            // Requested action was cancelled.
        case ONGGenericErrorNetworkConnectivityFailure:
        case ONGGenericErrorServerNotReachable:
            // Networking issues.
        case ONGMobileAuthRequestErrorNotFound:
            // Mobile request was not found on the TS. We can either notify user or ignore it.
        case ONGMobileAuthRequestErrorNotHandleable:
            // Mobile request cannot be handled by the Onegini SDK.
        case ONGMobileAuthRequestErrorUserDisenrolled:
            // User that he was disenrolled for security reasons.
        case ONGMobileAuthRequestErrorNotEnrolled:
            // The user is not enrolled for mobile authentication.
            // Other errors