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Device API version 4

The device API enables a web application to list devices that a user has (dynamically) registered, possibly on behalf of the user. This API can also be used to delete (deregister) a device entirely. For example, a user that loses a device may wish to revoke all permissions and access belonging to that device.

List devices

The list devices endpoint can be used to display information on each of the devices a user has registered.

Endpoint: GET /oauth/api/v4/users/{userId}/devices

Parameter Description
userId Identifier of the user

All endpoints are protected with API client credentials (either Client Secret Basic or PrivateKeyJWT depending on the client authentication method. It requires an API client with the scope end_user_api (End User API).

This endpoint requires basic authentication with valid API client credentials.

When no devices are found because the user does not exist or the user does not have any devices, a 404 Not Found is returned. When the user does have devices, an array with one or more devices is returned. Each device object has the following attributes.

Attribute Description
id Identifier of the device.
name The device name
application A web client / group of dynamic clients that use the same configuration
model The name of the corresponding device model, for example Nexus 6P. This field is optional and will be returned only in case the Onegini Token Server is able to determine its value.
platform Platform / os of the device. Possible values: android and ios.
osVersion Device's operating system version (e.g. 8.0.0). This field is optional and will be returned only in case the Onegini Token Server is able to determine its value.
createdAt Timestamp when the device was registered; the value can be empty.
tokenTypes List of access token types issued for a device. Possible values DEFAULT, FINGER_PRINT, CUSTOM_AUTHENTICATOR and IMPLICIT_AUTHENTICATION.
lastLogin Date of the last login using a device
mobileAuthenticationEnabled true if a device is enrolled for mobile authentication
pushAuthenticationEnabled true if a device is enrolled for mobile authentication with push

Example result:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache

  "devices": [
      "id": "05ED8E51CB1EFAA2DBCECC90504ADC1C11BEB7CE3C6D68065FBF7E7E86980CF3",
      "name": "Jane's Android Phone",
      "application": "application 1",
      "model": "Nexus 6P",
      "platform": "android",
      "osVersion": "8.0.0",
      "createdAt": 1381322054000,
      "lastLogin": 1548929031000,
      "tokenTypes": [
      "mobileAuthenticationEnabled": true,
      "pushAuthenticationEnabled": true        
      "id": "7A8A520DB50864F1DA3F12FC6692D1267535339E76CE041405D4CED2449DA858",
      "name": "Mallory's iPhone 📱",
      "application": "application 2",
      "model": "Iphone X",
      "platform": "ios",
      "createdAt": 1381322054000,
      "lastLogin": 1556276182000,
      "tokenTypes": [
      "mobileAuthenticationEnabled": true,
      "pushAuthenticationEnabled": false   

Example error response:

HTTP/1.1 404 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
  "error": "No devices found"

Delete or revoke device

The delete device endpoint can be used to delete a device from the Onegini Token Server. This completely deregisters the user from the device meaning that all access grants, access tokens, registered custom authentications, and mobile authentication enrollments are revoked on the Onegini Token Server. Note that these assets will remain on the device itself, but they will not be valid anymore on the server side.


  • DELETE /oauth/api/v4/users/{userId}/devices/{deviceId}
Parameter Description
userId Identifier of the user
deviceId Identifier of the device

This endpoint always returns a 204 No Content response, independent of the execution result. When there are multiple users (profiles) registered on a device, only data related to the provided userId will be deleted.

Example result:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache

Bulk delete or revoke all devices of a user

The bulk delete device endpoint deletes all devices enrolled for a specific user. See Delete or revoke device for further details.


  • DELETE /oauth/api/v4/users/{userId}/devices
Parameter Description
userId Identifier of the user

This endpoint returns a 204 No Content response when all devices for this user have been revoked successfully.

Example result:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache

Bulk delete or revoke a selection of devices of a user

The bulk delete device endpoint deletes a selection of devices enrolled for a specific user. See Delete or revoke device for further details. This method reduces the number of API calls when deleting multiple devices at the same time.


  • POST /oauth/api/v4/users/{userId}/devices

Path parameters:

Parameter Description
userId Identifier of the user

JSON body parameters:

Parameter Required Description
delete yes Array of identifiers for devices to delete

Example request:

POST /oauth/api/v4/users/myDummyUserId/devices HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

  "delete": [

This endpoint returns a 204 No Content response when all devices from the request have been revoked successfully.

Example result:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache

Example error response:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
    "code": "not_all_devices_deleted",
    "message": "Some of the devices could not be deleted.",
    "details": [
            "id": "unknown_device_id",
            "status": {
                "code": "device_not_deleted",
                "message": "The device could not be deleted.",
                "details": []

Disable fingerprint

The disable fingerprint endpoint can be used to revoke a fingerprint refresh token on a user's device. Note that this endpoint does not prevent a user from registering their fingerprint again.


  • POST /oauth/api/v4/users/{userId}/devices/{deviceId}/disableFingerprint
Parameter Description
userId Identifier of the user
deviceId Identifier of the device

This endpoint always returns a 204 No Content response, independent of the execution result.

Disable mobile authentication

The disable mobile authentication can be used to withdraw a user's device for mobile authentication. When the SDK enrolls a user for mobile authentication, the SDK and the Onegini Token Server exchange public keys. The SDK must take an additional step to enroll for mobile authentication with push (and provide a push token).

When this endpoint is called for a user's device, the Onegini Token Server withdraws the user's device for all types of mobile authentication (including push). The public keys are removed server side, and the push token (if it exists) is also dropped.

Note that this action does not prevent a user from enrolling the same device a second time for mobile authentication.


  • POST /oauth/api/v4/users/{userId}/devices/{deviceId}/disableMobileAuthentication
Parameter Description
userId Identifier of the user
deviceId Identifier of the device

This endpoint always returns a 204 No Content response, independent of the execution result.

Disable mobile authentication with push

The disable mobile authentication with push endpoint can be used to disenroll a user's device for push only. It removes the push token from the Onegini Token Server, but leaves the user's public key intact, allowing other forms of mobile authentication to remain working.

Note that this action does not prevent a user from re-enrolling for mobile authentication with push.


  • POST /oauth/api/v4/users/{userId}/devices/{deviceId}/disablePushAuthentication
Parameter Description
userId Identifier of the user
deviceId Identifier of the device

This endpoint always returns a 204 No Content response, independent of the execution result.

One of the following responses will be returned, containing a JSON object with an error code and a message with details about the error.

HTTP status Error code Details
400 invalid_request One or more parameters is missing or incorrect. The details contain the missing or incorrect parameters.
401 unauthorized Provide valid credentials to get access to the API.
403 insufficient_permissions The API client used to authenticate the request does not allow operations on the End User API.
404 not_found The device does not exist or does not belong to the user.
500 not_all_devices_deleted The deletion of one or more devices failed during a bulk operation. The other devices have been removed.