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This section covers the template customizations possible in the Token Server.

The Onegini Token Server has a number of templates that can be customized. Onegini uses the Thymeleaf template engine to render templates. It takes XML (XHTML) as input and replaces static content using special attributes. Refer to the Thymeleaf manual for the full syntax.

Note: The mentioned available messages are the default messages. Please refer to the Translations topic guide on how to add custom messages.


The consent page will be displayed to the end user when a client requests an access grant and the user did not provide consent to any of the requested scopes for this particular client.

As the application is stateless this page has the responsibility to forward all request parameters used in the authorization request. This set of request parameters is available via variables in the template. When posting the request, the names of the request parameters used should be according to the OAuth 2.0 specification for requesting an access grant. The endpoint to post the consent confirmation is "/oauth/consent".

Naming convention

The name of the template file has to be "consent.html".

Available messages

Key Description
pages.consent.title Page title to be used in the browser title.
consent.header Page title to be used in a heading. The client name can be provided to be included in the message via a parameter.
consent.intro Describing text to inform the user what this page is about and which action is required. The client name can be provided to be included in the message via a parameter.
consent.scopes Title heading the list of requested scopes.
consent.submit Label used for the submit button.

Available variables

Variable name Description
clientName Name of the client that requests authorization
requestedScopes* Space delimited string of scopes that are requested.
clientId* Client id used in the access grant request.
responseType* Response type used in access grant request.
state* State used in the access grant request.
redirectUri* Redirect uri used in the access grant request.
nonce* Nonce used in the access grant request.
idp Id of the Identity Provider that should be used to authenticate client
requestedScopeMap Map of scopes requested. As a key the name/id of the scope is used. The value contains the description of the scope. The language of the description is based on the user’s language setting or browser locale when no user language is set. When no description is available for the user language, the English description is used. When no description is available in the user’s language or the English language, the scope is not available in this map.
csrfToken* The CSRF token is used to prevent Cross Site Request Forgery. The token is a 320 character HEX string. The token is user, client and scope specific so can only be used for the set of parameters specified in the request. To ensure no replay attacks can be performed with the token, the token is only valid for 5 minutes. When a token is expired or incorrect, the user is redirected back to the consent screen.
clientLogoUri Uri of the logo used for the client requesting consent. If the client has no logo this variable will be null.
user This variable contains the user object of the user that authenticated. Based on the identity provider configuration used the available information set in this object can differ. The object contains a map with all user attributes including all custom attributes. Values in the map should be treated as non trusted, therefore th:text or the #strings.escapeXml() function should be used when displaying a value. Example usage <p th:text="${user.attributes['firstName']}"></p>
  • MUST be included in the request that posts the consent.

Forward to authentication

The forward to authentication page can be shown before the user is sent to a SAML or OAuth identity provider. The default template redirects the end user to an endpoint that initiates login at the identity provider.

Naming convention

The name of the template must be "`forward-to-authentication.html``".

Available messages

Key Description
pages.forwardToAuthentication.title Title shown in the browser tab.
forwardToAuthentication.title Title shown on the page.
forwardToAuthentication.body The paragraph informing that the end-user needs to sign in. Should redirect the end-user to the next step.

Available variables

Variable name Description
forwardTo The page the end user is sent to

Authorization complete

The authorization complete page will be displayed when the access grant is generated and the user is redirected back from the browser to the mobile application. This feature should only be used in combination with a native browser. The main responsibility of the page is performing a JavaScript redirect and displaying a message to the end user that the enrollment flow is completed.

Naming convention

The name of the template file has to be "authorization-complete.html".

Available messages

Key Description
pages.authorization_complete.title Page title to be used in the browser title.
authentication.complete Message to the end user that the flow is successfully completed and the button should be pressed to continue.
authentication.complete.error Message to the end user that the flow is completed with an error and the button should be pressed to continue.
authentication.complete.continue Label for the continue button.

Available variables

Variable name Description
redirectUri Uri the user should be redirected to.
clientLogoUri Uri of the logo used for the client requesting authorization. If the client has no logo this variable will be null.
error An error that occurred during the authorization flow, example values: unsupported_response_type, invalid_request , invalid_scope.
errorDescription Description of the error that occurred during the authorization flow.
errorUri Occasionally, the error may also contain an URI pointing to the error page.

Two way one time password enrollment

With the two way otp enrollment the end user will receive a code that should be entered on a portal and a code that should be entered on the mobile device.

Show code and enter code

The responsibility of the template is providing the end user the code that should be entered on the portal website. And providing some input where the user can enter the code that is received via the portal website. To validate the code entered by the user a form post should be done to /two-way-otp/enrollment.

Naming convention

The name of the template file has to be "two-way-otp-enrollment.html".

Available messages

Key Description
pages.twoWayOtp.enroll.title Page title to be used in the browser title.
twoWayOtp.enroll.intro Introduction text about the process.
twoWayOtp.enroll.field.token Label for the code that should be entered and is received via the portal website.
twoWayOtp.enroll.field.cancel Label for cancel button.
twoWayOtp.enroll.field.submit Label for submit button.
twoWayOtp.enroll.error.transactionState Error message that code was not entered via portal website.
twoWayOtp.enroll.error.connection Error message for Connection error on validation if code was entered via portal website.

Available variables

Variable name Description
clientCode The code the user should enter on the portal website.
csrfToken The csrf token, should be included in the form post.

Request params

To validate the code entered by the end user via a form post to /two-way-otp/enrollment the following parameters are required.

Parameter name Description
token This is the value of the code the user entered
csrfToken The csrf token, should be equal to the value provided as variable.


The responsibility of the template is offering the end user to restart the process. To restart the process without going back to the app a link to /two-way-otp/enrollment/restart needs to be provided.

Naming convention

The name of the template file has to be "two-way-otp-cancel.html".

Available messages

Key Description
pages.twoWayOtp.cancel.title Page title to be used in the browser title.
twoWayOtp.cancel.body Text explaining the user what it means to restart the process.
twoWayOtp.cancel.field.restart Label for the button / link to restart the process.

Dead end

The responsibility of the template is providing the end user the information that the session is not valid anymore (timeout). It helps the user getting back to the app to restart the process.

Naming convention

The name of the template file has to be "two-way-otp-dead-end.html".

Available messages

Key Description
pages.twoWayOtp.deadEnd.title Page title to be used in the browser title.
twoWayOtp.deadEnd.body Explanation why session is not valid anymore and how to continue.

Available variables

Variable name Description
redirectUri The uri the user should be redirected to, to go back to the mobile app. If the redirect uri could not be determined this variable is empty.

Max attempts exceeded

The responsibility of the template is providing the end user the message that the maximum number of attempts to provide a valid code is exceeded. The user should be linked to /two-way-otp/enrollment/restart to restart the process.

Naming convention

The name of the template file has to be "two-way-otp-max-attempts-exceeded.html".

Available messages

Key Description
pages.twoWayOtp.maxAttempts.title Page title to be used in the browser title.
twoWayOtp.maxAttempts.body Page body explaining why the user should restart the process.
twoWayOtp.maxAttempts.field.restart Label for the button / link to restart the process.

Error Template

Naming convention

The name of the template file has to be "error.html".


Variable name Description
exceptionTitle The title of the exception. The exceptionTitle is resolved as a message key.
exceptionDescription Description of the exception. The exceptionDescription is resolved as a message key.
exceptionErrorCode An error code value that can be mapped to some specific error description. Useful when redirecting to mobile apps. This may be populated when the there is an error with a SAML request.

Available messages

Key Description Note
error.generic The generic error message.
error.invalid_request.title Title of the invalid request error. If an invalid request is detected this key is the value of the exceptionTitle variable.
error.invalid_request.description Description of the invalid request error. If an invalid request is detected this key is the value of the exceptionDescription variable.
error.unauthorized_client.title Title of the unauthorized client error. If an unauthorized client is detected this key is the value of the exceptionTitle variable.
error.unauthorized_client.description Description of the unauthorized client error. If an unauthorized client is detected this key is the value of the exceptionDescription variable.

Users are notified that they have consented to share their data with a certain application. This section describes the HTML template for the email. The next paragraph goes into detail about the plaintext email template.

Naming convention

The name of the template file has to be "consent-notification-email-html.html".


Variable name Description
clientName Name of the client that requests authorization.
displayName The full name of the user that requests authorization (firstname + lastname).

Available messages

Key Description Note The subject of the consent email. The salutation of the email The displayname is added as a parameter in this message The first paragraph of the email body The client name is added as a parameter in this message Another paragraph of the email body The regards of the email

Users are notified that they have consented to share their data with a certain application. This section describes the plaintext template for the email. The previous paragraph goes into the plaintext email template.

Naming convention

The name of the template file has to be "consent-notification-email-plaintext.html".


Variable name Description
clientName Name of the client that requests authorization
displayName The full name of the user that requests authorization (firstname + lastname)

Available messages

Key Description Note The salutations of the email The displayname is added as a parameter in this message The body of the email body The client name is added as a parameter in this message The regards of the email

OpenID Connect

Check session status

This template is used within an iframe of an OpenID Relying Party (RP) to check whether the user has a valid session. The iframe is usually not visible to the end user. The default template contains only JavaScript.

Naming convention

The name of the template file must be "check-session.html".


Variable name Description
cookieName Name of the cookie that contains the OpenID Provider browser state. This cookie has a SameSite=None flag.
legacyCookieName Name of the cookie that contains the OpenID Provider browser state. This cookie has no SameSite flag and is only present when fallback is enabled.

Available messages

Key Description
pages.openid.checksession.title Page title to be used in the browser title.

End session confirm

As a security measure the user can be asked to confirm to end their session. To accept the logout, post the form to /v1/logout/accept. To reject the logout, add a link to /v1/logout/reject.

Naming convention

The name of the template file must be "endsession-confirm.html".

Available messages

Key Description Note
pages.openid.endsession.confirm.title Page title to be used in the browser title.
openid.endsession.confirm.header Title of the page in the body.
openid.endsession.confirm.body Paragraph to ask the user to confirm the logout
openid.endsession.confirm.accept Submit button to accept the logout.
openid.endsession.confirm.reject Link to reject the logout. Link to /v1/logout/reject


Variable name Description
T(com.onewelcome.common.util.CsrfUtil).CSRF_TOKEN The CSRF token is used to prevent Cross Site Request Forgery when accepting the logout. When a token is expired or incorrect, the user is redirected back to this confirm screen.

End session success

This page is shown when the OpenID session has been invalidated.

Naming convention

The name of the template file must be "endsession-success.html".


Variable name Description
frontChannelLogoutUris A list of URIs to end the session of the user at these Relying Parties. This list can be empty.
postLogoutRedirectUri The user should be redirected to this URI after the frontChannelLogoutUris have been called. This variable can be empty if the value cannot be defined.

Available messages

Key Description Note
pages.openid.endsession.success.title Page title to be used in the browser title.
openid.endsession.success.header Title of the page in the body.
openid.endsession.success.goToRelyingParty Paragraph that the user is redirected to the RP. HTML is allowed. The postLogoutRedirectUri is added as a parameter in the default message.

End session reject

This is a dead end page after the user has rejected the logout in the confirm screen. At this point it is unknown which RP had initiated the logout.

Naming convention

The name of the template file must be "endsession-reject.html".

Available messages

Key Description Note
pages.openid.endsession.reject.title Page title to be used in the browser title.
openid.endsession.reject.header Title of the page in the body.
openid.endsession.reject.body Paragraph of text. HTML is allowed.