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Authentication methods

Clients, depending on their configuration and capabilities, can authenticate with the Onegini Token Server using three different authentication methods:

  • Client Secret Basic - uses a pair of a ClientId and a Client Secret that are known only to the Authorization Server and the Client itself, as a username and password. These credentials are expected to be sent in a form of either:

    • HTTP Basic Authorization Header
    • Url encoded form with client credentials (for HTTP POST requests)
  • PKCE - Used by public clients. See the Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients specification.

  • PrivateKeyJWT - a method that uses Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to prove the authenticity of a client. The client generates and presents a signed JWT (called Client Assertion) and lets the server verify its correctness. Depending on the client type (dynamic, static or API) the Onegini Token Server requires the public client key to be provided by the client itself (dynamic) or lets you configure it via the admin console ( static, API) in the form of JWKs URI or a PEM encoded key (x.509 certificate or public key). For more information please refer to PrivateKeyJWT validation JWKs URI cache.