Configure tasks

The Onegini Statistics Engine is using tasks which are executed on an Apache Spark engine. Each task has a separate responsibility for generating statistical information about a certain topic. Depending on the context of the statistical information each task has a different schedule when it is executed. Some tasks might be more resource intensive and should therefore be executed less frequently if there is no need that the results are really accurate

To have some insights on the resource usage of a certain task the Apache Spark console can be used. This console can be found on <host ip>:4040.

Per tasks the interval can be specified as a cron job. Some example intervals:

Description Cron value
Every thirty seconds */30 * * * * ?
Every minute 0 */1 * * * ?
Every 5 minutes 0 */5 * * * ?
Every hour 0 0 */1 * * ?
Every day 0 0 0 */1 * ?

Enrollments per platform per month

To influence the frequency of the Enrollments per platform per month task the following property should be set.

Property Default
/statistics-engine/tasks/enrollments-per-platform/cron 0 */5 * * * ? (every 5 minutes)

Operating system summary

The following properties can be used to adjust the job:

Property Default Description
/statistics-engine/tasks/operating-system-summary/cron 0 */5 * * * ? (every 5 minutes) cron expression

Unique user logins

The following properties can be used to adjust the job:

Property Default Description
/statistics-engine/tasks/unique-user-logins/cron 0 */5 * * * ? (every 5 minutes) cron expression

Client success/failure login

The following properties can be used to adjust the job:

Property Default Description
/statistics-engine/tasks/fingerprint-user-login/cron 0 */5 * * * ? (every 5 minutes) cron expression
/statistics-engine/tasks/pin-user-login/cron 0 */5 * * * ? (every 5 minutes) cron expression

Enrollments summary

The following properties can be used to adjust the job:

Property Default Description
/statistics-engine/tasks/enrollments-summary/cron 0 */5 * * * ? (every 5 minutes) cron expression