
What is an OpenID Connect?

OpenId Connect is a standard published in 2014 that is built on top of the Oauth 2.0. It provides support for user authentication, and among others, allow the clients to obtain end-user identity attributes in an interoperable manner and manage multiple sessions. It is meant to be a lightweight, modern, JSON-based alternative for a SAML.

OpenId Connect specification defines Relying Party (RP) that is an OAuth 2.0 Client requiring End-User authentication, and OpenID Provider (OP) that is an OAuth 2.0 Authentication Server which performs this authentication. As a result of successful authentication OpenID Provider issues an ID Token which is a JWT-compliant JSON containing a set of claims - user identity attributes.

The Token Server, being an implementation of an OpenID Provider, manages the ID Tokens and authentication process. However, since the Token Server does not manage the identity management by itself, the actual authentication is delegated to an Identity Provider.

OpenID Connect flows

OpenId Connect specification defines three main flows: Authentication using the Authorization Code Flow, Implicit Flow and Hybrid Flow.

Authorization Code Flow

Authorization code flow is an extension of OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow. The client obtains the Authorization Code from authorization endpoint using a front-channel (ie via user agent such as web browser). This code can be then exchanged at token endpoint for access token and/or ID token using back-channel (e.g. client's backend server). This workflow is suitable for clients that can securely store client secret which is required when exchanging the code for the token.

In order to obtain ID Token in this flow make sure the web client has Authorization Code enabled in Grant types field and create an OAuth authorization request with openid scope.

Implicit Flow

Implicit flow is a one step flow - the client requests an access token and/or ID Token directly from the authorization endpoint using a front-channel (ie via user agent such as web browser). This workflow is suitable for those clients that cannot store client secret in a secure fashion (e.g. web applications running inside user agent such as web browser).

In order to obtain ID Token in this flow make sure the web client has Implicit enabled in Grant types field and create an OAuth authorization request with response_type=id_token and openid scope.

Hybrid Flow

The Token Server currently does not support Hybrid Flow.

OpenId Connect scopes

In order to issue an ID Token, the authorization request must contain at least openid scope. It is possible to control which user claims are included into ID token by specifying additional scopes.

The table below summarizes the scopes relevant for OpenID Connect.

scope Description
openid Activates the OpenID functionality and allows to issue ID Token as a part of OAuth 2.0 authorization request.
profile Requests access to the following claims: name, family_name, given_name, nickname, preferred_username, gender, birthdate, locale.
email Requests access to the following claims: email and email_verified.
address Requests access to address claim that is composed of the following fields: street_address, locality, region, postal_code, country
phone Requests access to the following claims: phone_number and phone_number_verified

The claims are obtained from the Identity Provider via Person API and mapped as listed below:

claim Person API source
name profile > name > first + last
given_name profile > name > first
family_name profile > name > last
nickname profile > name > display_name
preferred_username profile > name > display_name
gender profile > gender
birthdate profile > date_of_birth
locale profile > preferred_locale
email profile > email_addresses > value
email_verified profile > email_addresses > verified
phone profile > phone_numbers > value
phone_​number_​verified profile > phone_numbers > verified
address > street_address profile > address > street_name + house_number + house_number_addition
address > locality profile > address > city
address > region profile > address > region
address > postal_code profile > address > postal_code
address > country profile > address > country_name

Additional functionality


The Token Server implements OpenID Connect Discovery which enables Relying Party to determine the capabilities of the OpenID Provider in the runtime. See Discovery API for the API reference.


The Token Server exposes claims via User Info endpoint. See User Info for the API reference.

Json Web Key Set

The Token Server exposes keys used for calculating digital signature of the ID Token via JWKS endpoint. See JKWS for the API reference.

ID Token encryption (JSON Web Encryption)

The ID Token can also be encrypted to hide sensitive claims. By default, this is turned off. See ID Token encryption for more information.