Onegini Insights

The Onegini Insights are shown within the Admin console. They give an overview of the usage of the Onegini Connect platform.


Incoming connection

The Insights application connects to the Token Server to fetch statistic data. This endpoint is protected via basic authentication. The credentials are configured via an API client that is valid for the Token Server API Insights.

Outgoing connection

The Token Server proxies requests from the administrator's browser to show the Insights. The endpoints in the Insights application are protected via basic authentication.

The following properties are required to show statistics:

Property Example Description
INSIGHTS_​API_​BASE_​URI https://insights.example/ Base URL for all requests being forwarded to the Onegini Insights application.
INSIGHTS_​API_​USERNAME insights The username that is used in basic authentication with the Onegini Insights application.
INSIGHTS_​API_​PASSWORD CIEJ($#CcAKc08c The password that is used in basic authentication with the Onegini Insights application.