
The following topics are covered in the Appendix:

HTTP response types

For reference below a list with HTTP status codes based on IETF Consensus. The status codes are divided in the following categories:

Code range Meaning Description
1xx Informational Request received, continuing process
2xx Success The action was successfully received, understood, and accepted
3xx Redirection Further action must be taken in order to complete the request
4xx Client Error The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled
5xx Server Error The server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request

The following status codes are used:

Code Meaning RFC
200 OK RFC2616
204 No Content RFC2616
302 Found RFC2616
400 Bad Request RFC2616
401 Unauthorized RFC2616
404 Not Found RFC2616
405 Method Not Allowed RFC2616
406 Not Acceptable RFC2616
409 Conflict RFC2616
415 Unsupported Media Type RFC2616
500 Internal Server Error RFC2616

Scope authentication endpoint

When the user authentication level is lower then the required level for the requested scope the user will be redirected to the specified endpoint. The user authentication level is extracted from the values of the user header. See configure header authentication.

Docker Compose environment variables

Property Description
TOKEN_​SERVER_​ENGINE_​AUTHENTICATION_​ENDPOINT Uri of the endpoint handling step up to enable the user to increase his authentication level

Request parameters received by endpoint

Request parameter Description
redirect_uri Redirect Uri requested in the authorization grant request
auth_level The authentication level (integer value) required for the requested set of scopes. This parameter will contain the highest required value.
  1. JCE
  2. Thymeleaf documentation:
  3. The Onegini Token Server only sends the APP the cid and cs if the response to the OCRA challenge was correct.
  4. OAuth 2.0