Upgrade instructions versions 8.x

8.0.0 to 8.1.0

Run all database scripts

Only for MSSQL and Oracle:

  • V8_00_01_00__inconsistencies.sql

Changes in custom Token Server plugins

The package com.onegini.tokenserver.oauth no longer exists in token-server-core. Most classes have moved to the package com.onegini.tokenserver.core. The class OauthUserImpl has been renamed to OauthUser which is not an interface anymore.

7.x.x to 8.0.0

Mobile Authentication

Mobile Authentication API v3 was added to support push authentication with multiple applications. Users can now enroll mobile authentication per application separately. There is no update needed for the applications. Your website must call the Mobile Authentication API version 3 to use this new feature.


The existing Mobile Authentication API version 2 will not work when a user has enrolled multiple applications for push authentication. It is deprecated starting this version and will be removed in the future.

The deprecated Mobile Authentication API version 1 has been removed now. It was deprecated since the release of Mobile Security Platform (MSP) version 3.0 (September 2016).

Remove the property TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_MOBILE_AUTHENTICATION_DEPRECATED_API_ENABLED which is no longer used by the Token Server.

Run all database scripts

  • V7_02_00_00__drop_unique_constraint_user_id_application_instances.sql
  • V8_00_00_01__add_unique_constraints_user_client_keys_application_instances.sql