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This section describes the configuration properties for the Onegini Token Server.

Application property setup

The Onegini Token Server uses Docker Compose environment variables to manage application properties. Some properties have default values, that will be used if a value for this specific key is not specified (see the Default column). You can find example of how to set a Docker Compose variables in the install section of Onegini Token Server Documentation.

All admin and engine values can be encrypted. Please see the section about property encryption for details.

Generic properties (used by both the Admin and runtime Engine)

This section describes the properties that are used by both the Token Server Admin and Engine.

Proxy settings

The following environment variables can be configured when Onegini Token Server is behind a reverse proxy. The Onegini Token Server will then create redirects based on these values instead of the http header for the host and the port it is running on.

Environment variable Default Example Description
TOKEN_SERVER_TOMCAT_PROXY_ENABLED false Enable or disable the HTTP proxy
TOKEN_SERVER_TOMCAT_PROXY_PORT 80 HTTP port that the proxy listens on
TOKEN_SERVER_TOMCAT_PROXY_NAME Hostname that the proxy listens on
TOKEN_SERVER_TOMCAT_PROXY_SCHEME https Default http schema to use
TOKEN_SERVER_TOMCAT_PROXY_SECURE true Set to true if you use https
Environment variable Default Description
COOKIES_SAMESITE None (engine), Lax (admin) SameSite restriction of cookies when the user comes from a third party site, e.g. the SAML identity provider. Values are None, Lax, Strict and Unset. Use Unset to omit the SameSite flag on cookies.
The OpenID Provider browser state cookie will always have the flag SameSite=None.
COOKIES_LEGACY_SUPPORTFALLBACK true (engine), false (admin) Some older browsers ignore cookies with a SameSite flag. Any browser on iOS 12 treats cookies with the SameSite=None flag as SameSite=Lax. To support these browsers, the Onegini Token Server can send a second cookie without a SameSite flag. This fallback cookie may also be returned by browsers that do support the SameSite flag. They treat the cookie as if SameSite=Lax is configured.


Refer to the documentation how to configure the truststore.

Environment variable Default Description
TOKEN_SERVER_TRUSTSTORE_ENABLED false Enable or disable the truststore
TOKEN_SERVER_TRUSTSTORE_PATH /opt/data/truststore/truststore.jks Location of the truststore within the container


Refer to the documentation how to configure the keystore.

Environment variable Default Description
TOKEN_SERVER_KEYSTORE_ALIAS token-server Alias of the keystore
TOKEN_SERVER_KEYSTORE_ENABLED false Enable or disable the keystore. This also enables or disables the SSL connector.
TOKEN_SERVER_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD token-server Keystore password
  • Admin: /opt/token-server/admin/data/keystore.jks
  • Engine: /opt/token-server/engine/data/keystore.jks
Location of the keystore within the container


Environment variable Example default Description
TOKEN_SERVER_COMMON_ENGINE_BASE_URI URL where the Token Server engine can be reached on by applications. Include the protocol and hostname and if needed the port number. Example:
TOKEN_SERVER_COMMON_ENGINE_CONTEXT_ROOT /oauth /oauth The context root of the Token Server engine

Development mode

Environment variable Example Description
TOKEN_SERVER_COMMON_FEATURES_APP_DEV_MODE_ENABLED_BOOLEAN false This property is used to enable or disable the development mode for applications. Please see the OAuth config section for more information.



Environment variable Example Description
DATABASE_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD 4^sf9)fds^)d$@rd( The encryption password that is used to encrypt database values.
DATABASE_ENCRYPTION_POOLSIZE 10 The size of the pool with encryptors. If not set, the default is 4.


Environment variable Example Description
DATABASE_TYPE oracle The database type name. Supported databases types: mysql, oracle, h2, mssql.
SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME onegini The database user for this datasource
SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD VeryHardToGuessPassword The database password for this datasource
SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL jdbc:oracle:thin:@db_host:1521:ORCL The JDBC url
SPRING_DATASOURCE_HIKARI_MINIMUM_IDLE 10 The minimum number of idle connections that HikariCP tries to maintain in the pool.
SPRING_DATASOURCE_HIKARI_MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE 100 The maximum size that the pool is allowed to reach, including both idle and in-use connections.
SPRING_DATASOURCE_HIKARI_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT 500 The maximum number of ms that a client will wait for a connection from the pool.
SPRING_DATASOURCE_HIKARI_MAX_LIFETIME 1800000 The maximum lifetime of a connection in the pool. Strongly recommended to set this value, and it should be several seconds shorter than any database or infrastructure imposed connection time limit. 0 means infinite lifetime.

Automatic schema migrations

The Token Server supports automatic schema migrations. By default these are enabled. This means that when a new version is deployed the schema is automatically updated to the new version when the new version of the Token Server starts up for the first time. When you want to disable the automatic schema migrations you need to modify the SPRING_FLYWAY_ENABLED setting and set the value to false. For the other properties please see the table below.

Environment variable Example Description
SPRING_FLYWAY_ENABLED true The flag that indicates whether automatic flyway migrations are enabled (true) or not (false).
SPRING_FLYWAY_BASELINE_VERSION 0 The db version from which the automatic schema migrations are performed.
SPRING_FLYWAY_LOCATIONS /db/scripts/mysql The location for the database migrations.
SPRING_FLYWAY_OUT_OF_ORDER true Flag to support hotfix migrations for earlier versions. This property is enabled by default.

General REST properties

These properties are used for outgoing http connections to external services.

Environment variable Default value Description
REST_SERVICES_WAIT_FOR_AVAILABLE_CONNECTION_IN_POOL_TIMEOUT_MILLIS 5000 Maximum time the application waits for an available connection in the pool to perform a REST call to external services
REST_SERVICES_REQUEST_CONNECTION_POOL_MAX_SIZE_TOTAL 100 Maximum amount of available connections in the pool for REST calls
REST_SERVICES_REQUEST_CONNECTION_POOL_MAX_SIZE_PER_ROUTE 10 Maximum amount of concurrent connections to a host
REST_SERVICES_REQUEST_CONNECTION_POOL_VALIDATE_AFTER_INACTIVITY_MILLIS 2000 Defines period of inactivity in milliseconds after which persistent connections must be re-validated

AWS properties

The properties required to connect the Onegini Token Server to AWS services.

Environment variable Description
AWS_REGION AWS region in which services are available

OneSee events

The Token Server supports sending events to the OneSee platform using AWS Firehose streams. The configuration is described below:

Environment variable Description
ONESEE_STREAMTYPE Specifies which stream type will be used to send events. Available values: firehose
ONESEE_STREAM Name of the stream inside streaming service
ONESEE_ACCESSKEY Access key to the streaming service
ONESEE_SECRET Access secret key to the streaming service

Each event sent to OneSee has a source_name and source_version. Under normal circumstances, you won't need to override the default values but if necessary, you can use the properties APPLICATION_NAME and APPLICATION_VERSION.

The feature must also be enabled in the admin console.

Admin console

The admin console provides the administrative functions for the runtime engine. It is separated from the runtime engine so access to it can be restricted.

General Properties

Environment variable Default Example Description
TOKEN_SERVER_ADMIN_GENERAL_PUBLIC_URL /onegini/admin URL to which the user is redirected after successful logout.
TOKEN_SERVER_ADMIN_GENERAL_COOKIES_SECURE_BOOLEAN true Boolean: Set Secure flag for admin console session cookie.
TOKEN_SERVER_ADMIN_GENERAL_SUPPORTED_LOCALES en,nl,fr,de Comma separated list of supported languages for the OAuth scope descriptions.
TOKEN_SERVER_ADMIN_GENERAL_CLIENT_IP_HEADER x-forwarded-for The header to get the actual client ip from. We assume that the value is according to the (de facto) x-forwarded-for format: client, proxy1, proxy2
TOKEN_SERVER_ADMIN_CERTIFICATES_MAX_SIZE_IN_BYTES 65000 65000 The maximum certificate file size that can be uploaded in the admin console.
TOKEN_SERVER_ADMIN_REST_SERVICES_READ_TIMEOUT_MILLIS 10000 The socket read timeout for REST service calls in milliseconds. A timeout value of 0 specifies an infinite timeout, the default is 10 seconds.
TOKEN_SERVER_ADMIN_REST_SERVICES​_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 2500 The connection timeout for REST service calls in milliseconds. A timeout value of 0 specifies an infinite timeout, the default is 2.5 seconds.

See also general REST properties.

Mobile authentication

Environment variable Default Description
TOKEN_SERVER_ADMIN_MOBILE_AUTHENTICATION_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_LENGTH_CHARS 155 This is the equivalent to "event.authentication.maximumMessageLength" in the administrator application.
The value should be equal to the value in the engine.
The value in the admin is used to validate the configuration input and has no influence on the engine.

Zip archive handling

Environment variable Default Example Description
TOKEN_SERVER_ADMIN_ZIP_IGNORED_FILES .DS_Store .DS_Store,.gitignore List of the files that are ignored when deflating the archive.
TOKEN_SERVER_ADMIN_ZIP_MAX_FILE_COUNT 100 100 Maximum count of files within the zip archive.
TOKEN_SERVER_ADMIN_ZIP_MAX_BYTE_SIZE 10485760 10485760 Maximum size of the deflated archive.

Runtime engine

This section describes the properties for the Token Server engine.

General properties

Environment variable Example Description
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_CUSTOM_HOOKS_IDP noOptAuthenticator A possibility to set a Custom Authenticator / identity provider bean. The value of this parameter should refer the a Spring Bean available in the context and must extend the AbstractAuthenticator class. The authenticator will be used when the identity provider used is of type CUSTOM.
the custom identity provider is deprecated in favor of the custom API identity provider and will be removed in a future release.
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_API​_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION_USER user The system user that protects the end user API.
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_GENERAL_CSRF_ENCRYPTION_MASTER_KEY 7C4DE5DE8B6035B91B7 5549B7F556EE9C8D2C7 B93091FCDED86455D41 57FF69F Encryption key used for encrypting the CSRF token. The value must be a 256 bit HEX encoded string (64 characters).
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_GENERAL​_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT​/oauth/authorize The public authorization endpoint. Is used to build the redirect back from the step-up authentication server back to the Token Server.
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_GENERAL_CLIENT_IP_HEADER x-forwarded-for The header to get the actual client ip from. We assume that the value is according to the (defacto) x-forwarded-for format: client, proxy1, proxy2
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_GENERAL_TRANSACTION_ID_HEADER transaction-id The name of the header that contains a transaction id. This transaction id will be included in the audit events and requests sent to external systems. When the specified header is not available in the request, a transaction id will be generated by the application prefixed with "ONEGINI-".
The network gateway, for example WebSEAL, should strip the configured header name from any incoming request to prevent malicious input via this header. This header serves strictly the purpose of enabling a SIEM solution to create a transactional view of the communication flow between systems.
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_REST_SERVICES_READ_TIMEOUT_MILLIS 10000 The socket read timeout for REST service calls in milliseconds. A timeout value of 0 specifies an infinite timeout, the default is 10 seconds.
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_REST_SERVICES_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 2500 The connection timeout for REST service calls in milliseconds. A timeout value of 0 specifies an infinite timeout, the default is 2.5 seconds.
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_SCOPE_VERIFICATION​_SERVICE_VERIFICATION_FAILED_ENDPOINT​/scopes/failed/read Uri the user is redirected to when scope verification fails and no specific failure uri is specified for the scope
JWT_MAX_ACCESS_TOKEN_SIZE_TO_INCLUDE_GROUP_PERMISSIONS 4096 Maximum number of characters for the JWT Access token to include groups and permissions.
SCHEDULER_TASK_EXECUTION_RATE 2m The polling time in which the Onegini Token Server's built-in scheduler will attempt to execute scheduled tasks. The accepted format Java's Duration compliant, e.g. 1s for 1 second, 5m for 5 minutes etc.. The default value is 2 minutes.
SCHEDULER_TOKEN_CLEAN_UP_BATCH_SIZE 1000 The maximum number of tokens that the TokenCleanUp batch operation will attempt to remove at once. The value can differ per DB type. The default value is 1000

See also general REST properties.

Sms gateway properties

The Token Server can send SMS messages for SMS authentication. It can use a number of different gateways or implementations. Below we specify the available options:

  • noOpSmsGateway - This is a dummy service which does not send any messages, which can be configured if no SMS messages need to be sent.
  • restSmsGateway - A gateway that provides a REST service that triggers sending SMS messages. The service location and authentication details need to be specified via the rest sms gateway properties.
  • cmSmsGateway - A gateway implementation that uses to send SMS messages.
  • twilioSmsGateway - A gateway implementation that uses Twilio to send SMS messages.

Set the following property in order to specify the chosen SMS gateway.

Environment variable Example Description
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_CUSTOM_HOOKS_SMS_GATEWAY restSmsGateway The chosen SMS gateway implementation.

Some SMS gateways will require additional properties:

Rest SMS gateway properties

The following properties are required when TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_CUSTOM_HOOKS_SMS_GATEWAY has the value restSmsGateway.

Environment variable Example Description
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_SMS_GATEWAY_REST_SMS_GATEWAY_URL URL where the external sms gateway service can be reached. The service must implement the API specified in our reference manual.
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_SMS_GATEWAY_REST_SMS_GATEWAY_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION_USER username The username that is used in basic authentication with the rest sms gateway URL.

Note: The user and password properties should be set only if the sms gateway is protected by basic authentication.

CM sms gateway properties

The following properties are required when TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_CUSTOM_HOOKS_SMS_GATEWAY has the value cmSmsGateway.

Environment variable Description
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_SMS_GATEWAY_CM_SENDER The sender ID, short code or phone number of the message sender. Phone numbers should be in international format starting with 00, e.g. 0012345556789.
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_SMS_GATEWAY_CM_URL The API endpoint for CM. The Global Endpoint URL is configured by default.

Twilio sms gateway properties

The following properties are required when TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_CUSTOM_HOOKS_SMS_GATEWAY has the value twilioSmsGateway.

Environment variable Description
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_SMS_GATEWAY_TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID A 34 character string that uniquely identifies twilio account.
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_SMS_GATEWAY_TWILIO_FROM_NUMBER The sender ID, short code or phone number of the message sender. Phone numbers should be in E.164 format, e.g. +12345556789.
Environment variable Default Description

Request header authenticator

The RequestHeaderAuthenticator gets the user information from a number of HTTP headers. The default header names can be overridden by configuring them in the IDP configuration within the Onegini Admin Panel.

Additional header authenticator configuration properties:

Environment variable Example value Description
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_HEADER_AUTH_LANGUAGE_CODE_DEFAULT_CODE eng Default value used when the language code header value could not be mapped to a valid locale or when the header value is not set.
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_HEADER_AUTH_LANGUAGE_CODE_COOKIE_NAME Language Cookie name used to determine the language for the user, if set and cookie is available this is preferred over the header value.
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_HEADER_AUTH_PARAMETERS_WHITE_LIST currency,amount Request parameter names that will be stored as user attributes

Scope verification

Environment variable Default Description
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_CUSTOM_HOOKS_SCOPE_VERIFICATION_SERVICE noOpScopeVerificationService The Spring Bean identifier of the class that implements the ScopeVerificationService.

Note: the scope verification configuration via a Spring Bean is deprecated in favor of the REST based scope verification service and will be removed in a future release.

Rest Scope Verification Service properties

Environment variable Example Description
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_SCOPE_VERIFICATION_SERVICE_URL URL where the external scope verification service can be reached. The service must implement the API specification.


Environment variable Example Description
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_NOTIFICATION_API_ENABLED_BOOLEAN true Via this property sending of notifications can be enabled/disabled. By default it is disabled
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_NOTIFICATION_API_ENDPOINT The endpoint that will be used by the Token Server when a notification must be sent.
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_NOTIFICATION_API_EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS noreply@ The email address that the end user will see as the sender of the notification.
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_NOTIFICATION_API_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION_USERNAME user Username used in the basic authentication challenge to the notification endpoint.
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_NOTIFICATION_API_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD password Password used in the basic authentication challenge to the notification endpoint.
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_GENERAL_DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_TYPE EMAIL The default notification type, can be set to NONE, EMAIL or SMS. When no default notification type is provided the value NONE is used.


Environment variable Default Example Description
OAUTH_TOKEN_MINIMUM_AGE 0 2m or PT0.1S The minimum age of a token before it can be removed. Tokens that are refreshed are eligible for removal. Valid vales are ISO-8601 formatted or use a simple format with a number and a unit e.g. "1h". If the unit is omitted, the number is interpreted as milliseconds. If set to 0 no time restriction will be applied.
AUTHENTICATION_FLOW_RENDER_PAGE_BEFORE_REDIRECT_TO_IDP false false During the authentication the end user is sent from the authorization endpoint to an endpoint that is specific for that type of identity provider. The default behaviour is to use an HTTP redirect. When set to true, an intermediary page will be rendered instead.

Mobile authentication

Environment variable Default Description
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_MOBILE_AUTHENTICATION_PGP_IDENTITY_EMAIL noreply@ Identity used in the server side PGP keys used for push notification encryption.
TOKEN_SERVER_ENGINE_MOBILE_AUTHENTICATION_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_LENGTH_CHARS 155 Maximum length of messages user for mobile authentication. This message is used in sms and push messages. When using SMS it should not exceed the maximum length of a SMS


Environment variable Default Description
TOKEN_SERVER_REDIS_SENTINEL_NODES Comma separated list of Redis sentinel nodes in the form of host:port. (e.g.,
TOKEN_SERVER_REDIS_SENTINEL_MASTER_ID The name of the Redis master, e.g. mymaster.
TOKEN_SERVER_REDIS_PASSWORD The password used to authenticate with the Redis server.
REDIS_DEFAULT_JWKS_URI_RESPONSE_TTL 60m Default TTL for the jwks_uri response cache for ID Token encryption. This is the fallback value, the max-age directive on the Cache-Control header should be provided and will be used in place of this value. Specified as a 'Duration'.

How to encrypt properties

The Onegini Token Server supports encrypting property values. The open source library Jasypt is used for this. Onegini uses a strong encryption algorithm, which is not present in the standard JRE security provider implementation. For this reason we use the BouncyCastle security provider implementation.

Install the Jasypt library

The Onegini Token Server uses Jasypt for property encryption. Download Jasypt. To install it, it only needs to be extracted.

Unzip the library into a directory of your choice, e.g. the /opt directory.

Add Bouncy Castle provider to Jasypt

Download the latest version of the Bouncy Castle provider and place the jar file into <JASYPT_PATH>/lib/.

Encrypt property values

It is possible to encrypt properties such as passwords. The steps below describe how to do this. All properties are encryptable. Navigate to the directory where the Jasypt library is installed.

Generate a master password:

openssl rand -hex 32

Configure the encryption password in docker-compose file:

Environment variable Required Description
TOKEN_SERVER_COMMON_PROPERTY_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD true The password that is used to encrypt and decrypt property values

Next, execute the following command:

cd <JASYPT_PATH>/bin/
./ providerClassName="org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider" algorithm="PBEWITHSHA256AND256BITAES-CBC-BC" verbose="false" password='<MASTER_PASSWORD>' input='<TEXT_TO_ENCRYPT>'

Note: Don't forget it, the master password is needed when starting / stopping the Token Server instance(s))

If the password or the input contain a single quote you will need to provide each separate single quote with the following sequence: '"'"'

When the above command is executed the encrypted property value is printed to the screen. The last step is to configure the encrypted value as the actual value in the property file. The value has to be surrounded by ENC(). Below is an example of an encrypted database password:


You can verify the encryption by running

./ providerClassName="org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider" algorithm="PBEWITHSHA256AND256BITAES-CBC-BC" verbose="false" password='<MASTER_PASSWORD>' input='<TEXT_TO_DECRYPT>'