Credential API

This document describes the Onegini IDP API operations to validate credentials.

API-3 Validate person credentials

Endpoint: POST /api/credentials/validate

The endpoint allows to validate person credentials.

Request parameters must include username, encrypted password and encryption parameter to ensure the encryption security.

The parameter password contains password encrypted according to the following example and converted to Base64. The parameter encryption_parameter contains a 16 byte random initialization vector converted to Base64. The Initialization vector must be a secure random value generated again for every single call. The Base64 encoding used in the request is the standard Basic Base64 according to RFC 4648 (so, NOT the URL and filename safe variant).

The response will be an HTTP 200 OK with person details enclosed in the body in case credentials are valid or HTTP 401 Unauthorized in case the username and password combination is invalid.

Error messages contain an error code and description. The following errors may occur:

HTTP ERROR Error Code Description
400 3001 Missing required request parameter
400 3002 Invalid parameter encryption
403 3003 Person found but is missing one or more verified attributes which are required
503 1001 The credentials API is currently not available

Example request


Request body:

  "username": "[email protected]",
  "password": "+V7wn+NyMG7cVelxIIiJYrUkqJiNDJRsqw==",
  "encryption_parameter": "+V7wNOIFDSYo8yhsfdhSAh9asdfDJRsqw=="

Example response


  "name": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Snow",
    "display_name": "John Snow"
  "email_addresses": [
      "primary": true,
      "tag": "",
      "verified": false,
      "value": "[email protected]"
  "phone_numbers": [
      "primary": true,
      "tag": "MOBILE",
      "value": "+49712129815"
  "custom_attributes": [
  "preferred_locale": "nl",
  "reference_id": "3ba13d11-2e4b-49fa-ade6-5a18e448ae2b"