SDK Configurator

Automatic configuration can be done using the "SDK Configurator". The main responsibilities of this tool is to generate the required config models and setup certificate pinning. Optionally the SDK Configurator can also add the SecurityController to the project with jailbreak and debug detection disabled. In order to use the SDK Configurator a ZIP file containing certificates and app configuration is needed. This file can be downloaded from the Token Server Admin Panel. How to do this is described in the Application delivery lifecycle topic guide in the Token Server docs.


• jq - JSON processor - can be downloaded from: • Ruby - for more info go to • Xcodeproj - can be installed with gem install xcodeproj (or sudo gem install xcodeproj if you are using the system ruby) - for more info go to

How it works

The configurator is a bash script. After execution, the script will ask for all the following data:

  1. Choose between Android and iOS platform.
  2. Provide the path to ZIP file containing app's config and certificates.
  3. Provide the path to .xcodeproj file.
  4. Provide the name of the target to which the generated files will be added.

The OneginiConfigModel.h and OneginiConfigModel.m files are generated along with certificate files in .pem and .cer formats. The files are added to the project into the group named "Configuration". At runtime the SDK will detect these files and use them as the configuration. When the SDK Configurator tool is used SDK is instantiated by calling -[ONGClientBuilder build] method. It automatically finds OneginiConfigModel in order to configure SDK correctly.