Shared Application Configuration

Application configuration consists of many different parameters. With this feature you are able to see what messages are being displayed for different locales and how password policy is configured using simple REST endpoints.

What is required?

To successfully complete this topic guide you need to ensure following prerequisites:

  • configured Onegini IdP environment as described in quick start
  • have access to Configuration APIs

Getting the data

To access the data you need to call the URL presented below with basic authentication credentials configured via properties:


Example successful response:

    "password_policy": {
        "min_length": 3,
        "max_length": 30,
        "digit_required": false,
        "lower_case_char_required": false,
        "upper_case_char_required": false,
        "special_char_required": false
    "messages": {
        "default": {
            "": "Off"
        "en": {
            "": "Off"