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Role-based access control

Onegini Customer Service allows granular access control to user fields and actions. This functionality does not override the USERS_ALL group, but creates the ability to create new groups with granular permissions. A user can be a member of multiple groups, and if one of those is USERS_ALL, then all access to users is granted.

Assigning users to groups

Assigning users to groups is discussed in the SAML and LDAP chapters.

Assigning permissions to groups

To assign permissions to groups, the following environment variables can be configured:

Property Example Description
AUTHZ_ROLEPERMITSONUSER_customgroup_ACTIONS BLOCK,UNBLOCK Actions that users in customgroup are allowed to perform.
AUTHZ_ROLEPERMITSONUSER_customgroup_FIELDS_CREATE CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE.custom1,CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE.custom2 Fields that users in customgroup are allowed to create
AUTHZ_ROLEPERMITSONUSER_customgroup_FIELDS_READ EMAIL_ADDRESS,CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE.custom1 Fields that users in customgroup are allowed to read
AUTHZ_ROLEPERMITSONUSER_customgroup_FIELDS_UPDATE EMAIL_ADDRESS,CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE.custom1 Fields that users in customgroup are allowed to update
AUTHZ_ROLEPERMITSONUSER_customgroup_FIELDS_DELETE CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE.custom1,CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE.custom2 Fields that users in customgroup are allowed to delete

All properties are multivalue properties. Separate values with a comma.

Action permissions

The following action permissions can be granted:


Field permissions

The following field permissions can be granted:

  • EMAIL_ADDRESS: read and update
  • PHONE_NUMBER: read and update
  • DATE_OF_BIRTH: read and update
  • DISPLAY_NAME: only read
  • PREFERRED_LOCALE: only read
  • GENDER: only read
  • ADDRESSES: only read
  • EXTERNAL_ATTRIBUTES (all external attributes): only read

Custom attributes

Custom attributes can be granted the full gamut of Create, Read, Update and Delete permissions. To grant the permissions, prefix the custom attribute name with CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE. before adding them to the list. So to grant create permission to the custom1 custom attribute, you'd add CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE.custom1 to the AUTHZ_ROLEPERMITSONUSER_customgroup_FIELDS_CREATE list.